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Kansas Senate advances Rural Opportunity Zone bills

The Kansas Senate gave initial approval Tuesday to a pair of bills relating to expansion of the state's Rural Opportunity Zone program. The program provides student loan forgiveness and income tax waivers to those who relocate to rural areas. About 80 counties already fall under the program. Proposed legislation would add eight counties to the [...]

Commerce Department Launches Rural by Choice Champions Program

TOPEKA – Lieutenant Governor and Commerce Secretary David Toland today announced a unique opportunity for rural communities throughout the state – the Rural by Choice Champions Program (Rural Champions). This one-year pilot program will create a network of grassroots individuals who will tackle critical community projects and identified needs integral…

Acting Secretary of Commerce David Toland Testified on Rural Revitalization before House Committee

Topeka, Kan. – David Toland, Acting Secretary for the Kansas Department of Commerce, delivered testimony to the House Rural Revitalization Committee earlier today, focusing on challenges and how the agency can better serve communities in rural parts of Kansas. Topics included several challenges facing rural Kansans, including population loss, business…

Commerce Updates ROZ Student Loan Repayment Program

TOPEKA – Lieutenant Governor and Secretary of Commerce David Toland today announced significant changes to the Rural Opportunity Zones (ROZ) program that could increase participation in student loan repayments for people moving to rural Kansas counties. Individuals who earn an associate degree or higher and move to a designated ROZ county they…

Governor Laura Kelly Recognizes National Community Development Week

TOPEKA – Governor Laura Kelly has proclaimed April 11-15 as National Community Development Week in Kansas. This week will celebrate the critical value community development programs and resources bring to our state.  “Community development efforts are essential in supporting the Kansas economy, quality of life initiatives and growth of Kansas communities,”…

Department of Commerce strengthens team with new Deputy Secretary and Community Development Director

TOPEKA – Department of Commerce Secretary David Toland today announced the hiring of two economic development professionals to help direct business and community development efforts for the state. William (Bill) Murphy will become the new Deputy Secretary for Business Development at Commerce, directing efforts to drive the growth of existing…

2020 Legislative Engagement

The 2020 Kansas Legislative Session is underway here in Topeka, and the Department of Commerce has had a busy first few weeks. We’ve been working to provide information and testimony to several key legislative committees on the status of various programs and initiatives that involve our agency and economic development…

Kelly Administration Launches Online Incentive Transparency Database

Topeka, Kan. – Kansas Governor Laura Kelly and Secretary of Commerce David Toland today announced the launch of an incentive transparency database designed to enhance visibility and accountability of economic development incentive programs administered in the state of Kansas. As the state’s lead economic development agency, the Department of Commerce…